Review past issues of TekTalk, Agilent’s complimentary cell analysis life science instrumentation e-newsletter. If you are not currently subscribed, you may sign up now to begin receiving issues as they are released. Our current distribution is 6 issues/year.
In this TekTalk, we’ve assembled diverse resources for conducting and optimizing assays for measuring cell invasion behavior utilizing Agilent’s unique portfolio of cell analysis technologies.
Featured Application Notes: High-Throughput Methods to Quantitatively Evaluate Cell Signalling in Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition and Dynamic Monitoring of Cell Adhesion and Spreading
Featured Product: BioTek Cytation C10 and xCELLigence Real-Time Cell Analysis (RTCA) DP
This TekTalk explores neurobiology applications and solutions, including approaches for measuring treatment-induced changes in neuronal cell health and function using both 2D and 3D cell culture systems. We also present tips for achieving accurate results using cutting-edge automated cell analysis tools and optimized cell culturing techniques.
Featured Applications: Image-Based Analysis of a Human Neurosphere Stem Cell Model for the Evaluation of Potential Neurotoxicants and Glycolytic Suppression - The Impact of Metabolic Modulation on Neural Stem Cell Fate
Customer Story: Anatomi Corporation
Featured Product: BioTek Cytation and Agilent Seahorse XF Pro analyzer
In this TekTalk we’ve compiled an overview of the most common approaches for measuring mammalian cell proliferation, including advantages and drawbacks for each.
Featured Applications: Live Cell Proliferation and Viability and Automated Kinetic Imaging Assay of Cell Proliferation in 384-Well Format
Featured Product: BioTek BioSpa Live Cell Analysis System
This edition of TekTalk features technical resources demonstrating how automation of sample preparation steps, image collection, and image analysis can facilitate the sensitive, high-throughput evaluation of neurite outgrowth.
Featured Applications: High-Throughput Platform for Fluorescence Image-Based Neurite Outgrowth Analysis and Automated Label-Free Kinetic Neurite Outgrowth Analysis
Featured Product: Agilent BioTek Gen5 neurite outgrowth module and Agilent BioTek Cytation cell imaging multimode readers
In this edition of TekTalk, we provide an overview of the benefits of the hybrid technology available with the Synergy Neo2 for use in a diverse range of life science applications.
Featured Applications: Rapid Measurement of IgG Using Fluorescence Polarization and A Homogeneous FRET-Based HTS Assay for Quantification of pRb in Cancer Cell Lines
Webinar :Unlocking Discovery: The Agilent BioTek Synergy Neo2 Hybrid Multimode Reader for Next-Level Target-Based Research and Screening
Featured Product: Synergy Neo2 Hybrid Multimode Reader
In this issue of TekTalk, we’ve compiled diverse resources describing automated imaging-based solutions for conducting in vitro cell migration studies, including conventional Boyden chamber formats, fully automated scratch wound healing assays, and high throughput cell exclusion zone formats with automated kinetic analysis.
Featured Applications: Automated Imaging and Analysis of 2D Chemotaxis, Incorporation of a Novel, Automated Scratch Tool and Kinetic Label-Free Imaging to Perform Wound Healing Assays, Automated Label-Free Method for Measuring Cell Migration in Real-Time with the Oris Pro Assay & Performance of a Label-Free Image-Based 2D Scratch Wound Healing Assay to Monitor Cell Migration and its Inhibition
Webinar : Navigating the cell migration assay landscape: How to bring together the most appropriate tools and approaches to ensure robust, accurate results
Featured Product: AutoScratch and Scratch Assay app, Lionheart FX Automated Microscope, Cytation 5 Cell Imaging Multimode Reader
This edition of TekTalk details the use of water immersion objectives to capture high quality images from a variety of biological samples.
Featured Applications: Advancements in Automated Confocal Imaging
Webinar : Achieving deeper insights into complex cellular models through optical enhancements to automated confocal imaging
Featured Product: Cytation C10 Confocal Imaging Reader
In this issue of TekTalk we focus on the role of cell signaling in the process of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT).
Featured Applications: High-Throughput Methods to Quantitatively Evaluate TGF-β Signaling in Angiogenesis and High-Throughput Methods to Quantitatively Evaluate TGF-β Signaling in Epithelial-to Mesenchymal Transition
Featured Product: Cytation C10 Confocal Imaging Reader
In this edition of TekTalk, we have compiled diverse resources describing how automated imaging tools and analysis can be employed to conduct automated cell culture quality control studies and assay optimization.
Featured Applications: Automated Quantification of Transfection Efficiency for Assay Optimization and Automated Kinetic Imaging Assay of Cell Proliferation in 384-Well Format
Application Compendium: Automated Methods for Conducting Cell Culture Quality Control Studies and Assay Optimization
Featured Product: Agilent BioTek Cytation 7 Cell Imaging Multimode Reader
In this edition of TekTalk, we’ve compiled resources that demonstrate the utility of an instrument with both washing and dispensing capabilities within the context of widely used applications.
Featured Applications: Automated Cell Fixing and Antibody Staining in Microplates and Automated ELISA Liquid Handling Using the Agilent BioTek 406 FX Washer Dispenser
Featured Product: Agilent BioTek 406 FX Washer Dispenser
Agilent BioTek Celebrates 10 years of imaging! In this issue of TekTalk we’ve compiled a variety of imaging and microscopy resources.
Featured Applications: Characterizing Calcium Mobilization Using Kinetic Live Cell Imaging and The Impact of a 3D Human Liver Microtissue Model on Long-term Hepatotoxicity Studies
Featured Product: Cytation C10 Confocal Imaging Reader
Customer Stories: The Stumpff Lab, Mimetas, and University of Maryland School of Medicine
Webinar: Advances in automated imaging-based characterization of 3D tissue models using novel high-throughput cell culture platforms
In this TekTalk you’ll find useful resources for conducting a range of proximity assays, including featured application descriptions and tips for assay optimization.
Featured Applications: Receptor-Mediated Stimulation of AKT pan-kinase in NIH3T3 Cells; A Homogeneous FRET-Based HTS Assay for Quantification of pRb in Cancer Cell Lines to Monitor Inhibition of G0 /G1 Cell Phase Transition
Featured Products: Agilent BioTek Synergy Neo2 Hybrid Multimode Reader
The concerted movement of cells within their environment plays a fundamental role in nearly all eukaryotic organisms. Higher eukaryotes rely on regulated cell migration throughout development and for immunologic processes, while aberrant cell migration is a defining feature of metastatic cancers.
Featured Applications: Automated High-Throughput Imaging and Analysis of Cell Migration and Automated Imaging and Analysis of 2D Chemotaxis
Featured Products: Agilent BioTek Lionheart FX Automated Microscope; Agilent BioTek Gen5 Software for Imaging & Microscopy
In this issue of TekTalk we’ve compiled a variety of resources that highlight automated image analysis techniques for quantifying nuclear translocation events within cell model systems, including tips and best practices for optimizing translocation assays.
Featured Applications: Nuclear Translocation of RelA in Stimulated Macrophages and Expression and Intracellular Translocation of Cancer Biomarkers in Hepatocarcinoma Cells Induced by Changes in Mitochondrial Metabolism
Featured Product: Agilent BioTek Cytation 5 Cell Imaging Multimode Reader
In this TekTalk we’ve compiled diverse ROS-related resources, including an overview of biological processes involving ROS and relevant detection strategies, emerging assay formats for characterizing ROS activity in live cells, as well as tips for optimizing you ROS assays.
Featured Applications: An Introduction to Reactive Oxygen Species; Quantitative Assessment of Antioxidant Activities in Living Cells
Featured Product: Agilent BioTek Cytation 5 Cell Imaging Multimode Reader
In this current edition of TekTalk, we will investigate micro-volume quantification of nucleic acids using a microplate reader, micro-volume plate and a newly launched software application.
Featured Applications: Microvolume Purity Assessment of Nucleic Acids Using A260/A280 Ratio and Spectral Scanning and Analytical Performance of a Higher Throughput Microvolume Microplate Accessory for Microplate Spectrophotometer Platforms
Featured Product: Take3 Microvolume Application
In this edition of TekTalk, we are covering both conceptual and practical considerations for successful live cell imaging investigations that leverage the combination of Agilent BioTek’s imaging instruments and software.
Featured Applications: Characterizing Gs- and Gi-Dependent Regulation of cAMP Levels in Real Time with cADDis Biosensor and Automated Live Cell Imaging and Automated Kinetic Imaging Assay of Cell Proliferation in 384-Well Format
Featured Product: BioTek Lionheart FX Automated Microscope
In this TekTalk we’ve compiled a variety of resources that describe the unique combination of hardware and software features available with the Agilent BioTek imaging systems for conducting histology and slide scanning applications, as well specific tips and guidance for optimizing your workflows.
Featured Applications: Hematoxylin and Eosin Stained Tissue and Detection and Automated Imaging of Regions of Interest (ROIs) when Performing Whole Slide Imaging (WSI)
Featured Product: BioTek Cytation 7 Cell Imaging Multimode Reader
In this TekTalk we focus on how proliferation and colony formation assays can be utilized, providing a brief description of the assay principles, and guidance on selecting the right assay format.
Featured Applications: Automated Kinetic Imaging Assay of Cell Proliferation in 384-Well Format and Automated Colony Formation Assay
Featured Product: BioSpa Live Cell Analysis System
In this TekTalk we demonstrate the use of the Agilent BioTek Synergy Neo2 hybrid multimode reader to conduct optimized LAMP assays kinetically.
Featured Applications: Characterization of LAMP Assays Using a Multimode Microplate Reader and Improved LAMP Assay Performance with Increased Temperature
Featured Product: Synergy Neo2 Hybrid Multimode Reader.
This TekTalk features resources for fluorescence-based zebrafish applications, including both image-based and reader-based investigations.
Featured Applications: Quantitative Microscopy of Angiogenesis in Zebrafish Embryos & Whole-Organism Imaging of Spinal Motor Neurons and Musculature with the Cytation C10 Confocal Imaging Reader
Featured Product: Lionheart FX Automated Microscope & Cytation C10 Confocal Imaging Reader
Customer Spotlight: Zebrafish and Lionheart: A Perfect Match
Webinars: Multimodal zebrafish workflows on a single automated confocal microscope plate reader & Zebrafish Imaging with Quantitative Analysis
This TekTalk features resources for conducting and optimizing image-based cell counting applications.
Featured Applications: Automated Kinetic Imaging Assay of Cell Proliferation in 384-Well Format & Confocal Imaging and Analysis of Spheroids for Determination of Dose Response during Drug Treatment
Featured Product: Cytation C10 Confocal Imaging Reader
Webinar On Demand: Tools and Techniques for Optimizing Cell Proliferation Studies
This TekTalk features the unique capabilities of the Cytation C10 Confocal Imaging Reader and provides guidance on confocal imaging techniques.
Featured Applications: Optical Clearing for Improved Confocal Imaging of Thick Specimens & Visualizing the Mouse Retinal Vasculature using the Cytation C10 Confocal Imaging Reader
Featured Product: Cytation C10 Confocal Imaging Reader
Webinar On Demand: Cytation C10: An Affordable Confocal Imaging Reader for your Research Laboratory
Agilent BioTek automated imaging systems and liquid handlers provide optimized solutions for a broad range of virology applications.
Featured Applications: Automated Viral Plaque Assay Workflow Using the Cytation Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Reader & Monitoring Viral Infection of Mammalian Cells using Digital Fluorescence Microscopy
Featured Products: Cytation 7 Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Reader; MultiFlo FX Multi-Mode Dispenser
In this TekTalk we outline automated workflows for conducting ELISA assays using Agilent BioTek plate readers and liquid handlers.
Featured Applications: Detection of HTLV I and II Antibodies using Absorbance-based ELISA & Automated ELISA Liquid Handling with the EL406 Combination Washer Dispenser
Featured Products: Epoch 2 Microplate Spectrophotometer & EL406 Washer Dispenser
Webinar On Demand: ELISA: Best Practices and Troubleshooting
Optimized imaging-based workflows for both 2D and 3D cell mediated cytotoxicity assays using Agilent BioTek automated live cell analysis systems.
Featured Applications: An Image-Based Method to Detect and Quantify T Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity of 2D and 3D Target Cell Models & Validation of an Image-Based 3D Natural Killer Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity Assay
Featured Product: BioSpa Live Cell Analysis System
Overview of the broad range of microbiology applications enabled by Agilent BioTek automated imagers, plate readers, & purpose-build LP600.
Featured Applications: Monitoring Bacterial Growth under Different Environmental Conditions & Multi-Mode Metabolic Profiling of Stationary Phase Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Exposed to Short-Term Oxidative or Nutrient Stress
Featured Products: LogPhase 600 Microbiology Reader; BenchCel Microplate Handler
Agilent BioTek plate readers and automated imaging systems provide versatile and powerful platforms for conducting cell metabolism studies.
Featured Applications: Optimization of a Multi-Mode Detection Model for Measuring Real-Time Cellular Respiration and Mitochondrial Function using Fluorescent Biosensors & XF Data Normalization by the Agilent Seahorse XF Imaging and Normalization System
Featured Products: Cytation 5 Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Reader; Containment Enclosures and Biosafety Cabinets for BioTek Instrumentation
Agilent BioTek imagers provide a full range of automated solutions for conducting ELISpot assays across all commonly used formats.
Featured Applications: Stimulation of Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells & Automating the Wash Steps of ELISpot Assays using BioTek’s 405 TS Microplate Washer
Featured Products: Cytation 7 Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Reader; 405 TS Washer
In this TekTalk we describe automated imaging and analysis methods for two common genotoxicity assay formats—the comet assay and gH2AX assay.
Featured Applications: Automated Imaging and Dual-Mask Spot Counting of γH2AX Foci to Determine DNA Damage on an Individual Cell Basis and Automated Comet Assay Imaging and Dual-Mask Analysis to Determine DNA Damage on an Individual Comet Basis
Featured Product: Cytation 7 Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Reader
In this TekTalk issue we demonstrate the diverse ways in which Agilent BioTek instruments enable 3D cell culture applications.
Featured Applications: Long-Term Hepatotoxicity Studies using Cultured Human iPSC-Derived Hepatocytes & Automated Media Exchange for Spheroid Cultures Using a Novel MultiFlo FX Accessory
Featured Product: Automated, Gentle Media Exchange
This issue of TekTalk describes the use of the Take3 Micro-Volume Plate with our Agilent BioTek plate readers for micro-volume analysis.
Featured Applications: Micro-volume Nucleic Acid Analysis using Common Assay Methods & Micro-volume Nucleic Acid Analysis using Common Assay Methods
Featured Product: Take3 Micro-Volume Plates
In this edition of TekTalk, we focus on a fully automated cell migration assay using the Agilent BioTek AutoScratch Wound Making Tool.
Featured Applications: Advanced Wound Healing Assay Workflow using Automated Scratch Wound Creation, High Contrast Brightfield and Fluorescence Kinetic Imaging & Automated Label-Free Method for Measuring Cell Migration in Real-Time with Oris Pro Assay
Featured Products: Cytation 5 with Wide Field of View Camera; Scratch Assay Starter Kit
In this issue of TekTalk we show how the Agilent BioTek automated imaging systems enable kinetic live-cell experiments over broad timescales.
Featured Applications: Thapsigargin-induced Cellular Stress Response and Inhibition of Gq-dependent Calcium Signaling and Monitoring pH in Long-term Proliferation Assays
Featured Product: BioSpa Live Cell Analysis System
This edition of TekTalk covers many applications of nucleic acid quantification and describes optimized workflows for Agilent BioTek instruments.
Featured Applications: Analytical Performance of Nucleic Acid Micro-Volume Quantification Using the Epoch Spectrophotometer System and Quantification of dsDNA using Qubit dsDNA Broad Range (BR) Assay Kit
Application Guide: Spectrophotometric Nucleic Acid Quantification in Microplates and Micro-Volumes
Featured Product: Epoch 2
In this edition of TekTalk we describe the use of cell counting for a range of applications, including label-free cell proliferation studies.
Partner Spotlight: Agilent Technologies
Featured Applications: Kinetic Proliferation Assay Using Label-Free Cell Counting and Live Cell Imaging of Apoptosis and Necrosis
Featured Product: Cytation 1 and 5 Imagers - Automated Normalization Through Cell Counting
This issue of TekTalk focuses on 3D cell culture methods and associated assays, providing a variety of resources and included tips and tricks.
Customer Spotlight: StemTek Therapeutics
Featured Applications: 3D Spheroid-Based Tumor Invasion Assay and 3D Cell Culture: A Review of Current Techniques
Featured Product: New! AMX Automated Media Exchange for MultiFlo FX