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Protein Capillary Electrophoresis

Protein Capillary Electrophoresis

Reliable Protein Separation Based On Charge And Glycosylation States

Electrophoresis of proteins and peptides provides separation based on isoelectric point, charge states, size or a combination of these attributes. Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) is commonly used for intact protein separation based on charge states, peptide and glycan analysis. CE can also be combined with mass spectrometry as an orthogonal technique. CE SDS-PAGE are commonly used for protein stability, sizing and QC testing.

Agilent offers several options for capillary electrophoresis and micro-fluidic electrophoresis of proteins. The Agilent 7100 Capillary Electrophoresis system can be used for protein characterization. Agilent’s CE system can be seamlessly connected to Agilent high resolution mass spec system like the time-of-flight TOF and quadrupole time-of-flight Q-TOF MS system for protein modification analysis. The 2200 TapeStation and 2100 Bioanalyzer are alternative platforms that can be used for SDS-PAGE gels for protein monitoring.

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