1260 Infinity II Bio-SEC Multidetector and DLS detection
1260 Infinity II Bio-SEC Multidetector System
- GPC/SEC Solutions
Product Details
- Light scattering detection provides reproducible and accurate molecular weight information independent of a column calibration created using narrow distribution polymer standards
- Possible to identify and characterize oligomers, and at the same time view information regarding aggregation and folding effects
- Market-leading, low-dead-volume, light scattering detection minimizes any peak band broadening to ensure absolute molecular weights
- Same flow cell used to also perform dynamic light scattering measurements (e.g., details regarding size in solution, known as hydrodynamic radius (or Rh))
- Precise detail possible because globular proteins are assymetric scatterers
- Application Software
Bio-SEC Software
Provides easy access to molecular weight, size and shape, and aggregation behavior of proteins
- Brochures
GPC/SEC Theory and Background – What You Should Know When You Need To Analyze Polymers, Biopolymers, and Proteins
This eBook covers the theory and background of gel permeation chromatography and size exclusion chromatography, GPC/SEC.
- Brochures
- English
- 16 Feb 2024
- 1.65 MB
- FAQs
HPLC Fundamentals and FAQs
Learn HPLC and UHPLC basics and principles, including frequently asked questions, to help you be confident in your HPLC results. Read HPLC fundamentals now.
- Supplemental Information
- User Manuals
Quick links to GPC/SEC portfolio
Agilent InfinityLab HPLC Advisor
This one comprehensive app provides tools and information for your daily HPLC workflow.
GPC/SEC Column Selector Tools
Tools to help navigate to the best column by mobile phase, application, part #, USP designation, or EP monograph.
Essential Supplies Guide for InfinityLab LC Series Instruments
Discover the right supplies for your instrument to achieve peak performance and optimize your LC workflow.
Essential Supplies for your Bio LC Analyses
Selecting the right supplies for is key to successful analysis. Find top Bio LC supplies recommended by experts.
New Comprehensive GPC/SEC Solutions Introduced at HPLC 2023 Conference
Agilent showcased significantly expanded InfinityLab GPC/SEC Solution at the HPLC 2023 conference on June 18 – 22, 2023 in Düsseldorf, Germany. The Agilent InfinityLab GPC/SEC portfolio became even more comprehensive after the recent acquisition of Polymer Standard Service Ltd. (PSS), including a dedicated GPC/SEC Column Thermostat, a Multi-Angle Light Scattering Detector, the GPC/SEC-Ready Kit, and the powerful WinGPC Software into the already existing InfinityLab GPC/SEC Solutions for advanced material characterization.
- 12 Jun 2023
Completion of the Agilent InfinityLab Bio LC Portfolio
With the launch of three InfinityLab Bio LC systems that were developed to meet the needs of the biopharma industry, Agilent now offers a portfolio of complete Bio LC solutions. The portfolio includes instruments, columns, and supplies that seamlessly integrate with Agilent OpenLab and MassHunter software and CrossLab services to maximize efficiency in biopharma labs.
- Completion of the Agilent InfinityLab Bio LC Portfolio
- 25 Oct 2022
GPC/SEC Analysis According to Standardized Methods
On request, Agilent provides contract analysis of macromolecules based on either existing guidelines, or standards provided by our customers. We treat every sample with the highest level of care while ensuring that the analysis of your samples meets the specifications provided.
GPC/SEC Analysis with Light Scattering/Viscosity Detection
Molar mass determination in conventional GPC/SEC is based on a comparison of the retention times of the polymer with the retention times of appropriate standards of known molar mass. For polymers where no appropriate standards are available, light scattering or viscosity detection are appropriate means to derive the molar masses.|Agilent provides GPC/SEC with advanced detection techniques to analyze your macromolecular samples and obtain absolute molar masses. Often, additional structural features of the samples can also be derived. Our experts will discuss your specific requirements and will propose the most useful analytical approach.
GPC/SEC Analysis with Conventional Calibration
GPC/SEC is a widely applied technique to provide molar mass distributions and averages for macromolecular samples, allowing for easy and reliable sample comparison. In GPC/SEC, the sample components are chromatographically separated based on their size, and the elution volume is correlated to molar mass using appropriate standards of known molar mass. Agilent specialists will perform contract analysis on your macromolecular samples using conventional GPC/SEC, selecting chromatographic conditions suitable for your samples and specific analytical needs
GPC/SEC Column Selection Services
If you are researching new GPC/SEC columns for a particular application or, specifically, for your new products that have not been the subject of an Agilent GPC/SEC application, the Agilent column selection service can help you choose an appropriate column, providing a suitable pore-size distribution. Our specialists will perform a GPC/SEC test on your own samples using a suitable Agilent column combination. The test report will also include chromatograms and a solvent recommendation.