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Maintenance Kits for HPLC

Maintenance Kits for HPLC

HPLC maintenance kits are kits that contain the parts needed to keep an instrument at peak performance and reduce instrument downtime. Agilent HPLC preventive maintenance kits are designed to prevent common problems such as noisy baselines, shorter column life, lower analytical sensitivity, and variable retention times, which are often caused by a lack of preventive maintenance.

Agilent HPLC maintenance kits contain the seals, frits, stators, fittings, connections, and other components needed to maximize LC instrument uptime, as well as instructions on how to access the parts for replacement and cleaning. By enabling you to properly maintain your LC pumps, autosamplers, and detectors, HPLC PM kits can lower repair costs by 31% and cut downtime by 2.4 days per year.

Agilent also provides HPLC repair kits for HPLC flow cells, degassers, and autosampler doors.

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