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Handle the Hassles of the Helium Shortage

Convert to alternative carrier gas

Two lab technicians working next to two helium tanks

Convert to an alternative carrier gas

To avoid disruptions caused by helium shortages, consider an alternative carrier gas for your analyses. Hydrogen is a good option if you are using GC/MS, or if your method is resolution-critical. If you are performing GC, and if your method resolution is more than sufficient, try nitrogen.

Two lab technicians working in a lab

Make sure that your system is compatible with an alternative carrier gas

This table will help you determine if your instrument configuration is compatible with hydrogen or nitrogen carrier gas. All components of your system—including sample introduction devices—must be able to use any alternative carrier gas you may be considering for your application.

System compatibility

Technique Product Hydrogen Carrier Gas Nitrogen Carrier Gas
GC 8890 GC Yes (all inlets) Yes (all inlets)
Intuvo 9000 GC Yes (all inlets) Yes (all inlets)
8860 GC Yes (all inlets) Yes (all inlets)
8850 GC Yes (all inlets) Yes (all inlets)
990 Micro GC Yes Yes
490 Micro GC Yes Yes
7890 Series GC Yes (all inlets) Yes (all inlets)
7820 Series GC Yes (all inlets) Yes (all inlets)
6890 Series GC Yes (all inlets) Yes (all inlets)
6850 GC Yes (all inlets) Yes (all inlets)
GC Detectors FID Yes (capillary columns) Yes (capillary and packed columns)
TCD Yes (capillary and packed columns) Yes (capillary and packed columns)*
ECD Yes (capillary columns) Yes (capillary and packed columns)
NPD No Yes (capillary and packed columns)
FPD Yes (capillary and packed columns) Yes (capillary and packed columns)
SCD Yes (capillary and packed columns) Yes (capillary and packed columns)
NCD Yes (capillary and packed columns) No
GC/MS 5977 Series single quad Yes Not recommended
7000 Series triple quad Yes Not recommended
7010 Series triple quad Yes Not recommended
7250 Q-TOF No Not recommended
7200 Series Q-TOF No Not recommended
5975 Series single quad Yes Not recommended
5973 Series single quad Yes Not recommended
Sample introduction
Headspace 8697 Series Yes Yes
7697A Series Yes Yes
G1888 No Yes
7694 No Yes
Thermal Desorption TD-xr Yes (multi-gas version) Yes (all versions)
Purge and Trap Lumin Yes (must use inert gas for purge) Yes
AQUATek Yes (must use inert gas for purge) Yes
AtomX Yes (must use inert gas for purge) Yes
* Typically only used when measuring helium or hydrogen in a sample.
Information in this table is current as of April 24, 2024.

Compare carrier gas options

Carefully consider all your options when choosing a carrier gas for your GC or GC/MS method.

Pros and cons of each carrier gas

Pros Cons
Helium Carrier Gas Always the first choice, if available Frequent shortages and delivery interruptions
Excellent chromatographic and MS performance Inconsistent or high costs
All reference spectra in libraries are obtained with helium Sometimes difficult to find in chromatographic grades
Hydrogen Carrier Gas Best alternative to helium Requires attention to safety
Better chromatographic resolution and speed compared to helium Requires attention to reactivity
Nitrogen Carrier Gas Inexpensive Requires longer run times to achieve resolution
Widely available in chromatographic grades Not recommended for use with MSD
Safer than hydrogen

Method translation for your alternative carrier gas

Agilent method translator software can help you convert from helium to hydrogen or nitrogen carrier gas. Using your existing helium method parameters, this tool will automatically suggest new pressure, flow, velocity, and temperature program rates for hydrogen or nitrogen carrier gas—ensuring virtually identical relative retention order.

Method translator is built into OpenLab CDS software, or it can be downloaded as a standalone application.

Helium to hydrogen conversion

Switch from helium to hydrogen carrier gas

Methods that generally require less optimization include analytes that are:

  • “Durable” compounds
  • At higher concentrations
  • Analyzed with split injections
  • Derivatized

When converting from helium to hydrogen carrier gas, allow time for validation and necessary updates to SOPs.

ASTM D5769: GC/MS analysis of aromatics in gasoline

Considerations when using hydrogen as a carrier gas:

  1. Due to flow limitations with MS pumping capacity, we recommend a turbo pump.
  2. Peak elution orders and column sample capacity may change slightly.
  3. Hydrogen may interact with analytes and the sample flow path, so an inert column and flow path are recommended. Lower inlet temperatures can reduce the chance of hydrogen reacting with the system.
  4. Certain solvents, such as methylene chloride and carbon disulfide, should be avoided.

Download our user guide for detailed instructions on converting your Agilent EI GC/MS system from helium to hydrogen carrier gas. The guide also includes tips for any GC user thinking about switching.

HydroInert source for GC/MS and GC/MS/MS

Using hydrogen carrier gas for GC/MS analysis doesn’t work well with semivolatile organic compounds, pesticides, and other active compounds. The Agilent HydroInert source improves chromatographic efficiencies with hydrogen, allowing you to:

  • Maximize your return on investment for hydrogen carrier gas.
  • Achieve faster, shorter separations.
  • Reduce sensitivity loss and spectral anomalies.
  • Minimize downtime caused by system maintenance and ion source cleaning.

Learn more about the capabilities of the HydroInert source in our informative technical overview.

Built-in safety features for hydrogen carrier gas

If a hydrogen leak occurs, Agilent GC and GC/MS systems will perform a series of actions. These include opening the exhaust flaps, turning off the hydrogen gas supply, shutting down thermal zones, and displaying a safety shutdown message on the front panel (with alarm tone).

The optional Hydrogen Sensor Module Series 2 for 8890 and 8860 (G6598A), 8850 (G3982A), or 7890B (G6597A) GC systems checks for free hydrogen that may come from flow path leaks. It monitors free hydrogen levels in the GC column oven and triggers a shutdown of all hydrogen gas flows before the hydrogen level reaches 1%. That’s well below the limit that may pose a risk.

What’s more, the advanced design of the Series 2 sensor offers these advantages:

  • It significantly reduces signal drift and only requires calibration at installation, then semi-annually.
  • Intelligent internal diagnostics monitor sensor status during continuous operation.
  • No pump is required to aspirate a sample of the oven atmosphere into the sensor. That means you don’t have to use a mechanical device that can fail and lead to system downtime.
  • You can continue using the inlet that works best for your application. The sensor is installed in the GC mainframe and is not integrated with a single injection port.

To learn more about working with hydrogen carrier gas, consult the Agilent GC/MS Hydrogen Safety user manual and technical overviews for the Intuvo 9000, 8890, and 8860 GC systems.

Helium to nitrogen conversion

Switch from helium to nitrogen carrier gas

Nitrogen often gets a bad reputation as a GC carrier gas. While it yields the sharpest peaks compared to helium and hydrogen, peak broadening occurs rapidly as linear velocity increases. Therefore, using the same linear velocity with nitrogen carrier gas may result in some loss of chromatographic resolution.

When method resolution is more than adequate with helium, nitrogen carrier gas can be an acceptable choice. It provides a good separation without the supply and cost issues of helium—or the safety concerns of hydrogen. If you want to switch to nitrogen, and need to fully separate some critical peaks, you can use a lower linear velocity to maintain or even improve resolution. However, this process will result in longer analysis times.

So, before dismissing nitrogen as an alternative carrier, consider if your method can absorb some resolution loss, or if a slight increase in analysis time is acceptable.

GC analysis of FAME content in biodiesel by EN14103

Note: Nitrogen carrier gas is not recommended for electron ionization GC/MS due to decreased sensitivity and poorer library matching compared to helium.

Alternative carrier gas applications

Application notes for hydrogen and nitrogen carrier gas

Agilent has published many GC and GC/MS application notes using either hydrogen or nitrogen as carrier gas. Focus areas include energy and chemical, environmental, food, pharmaceutical, and more.

Hydrogen carrier gas applications

Industry Title
Energy and Chemical Determination of Benzene and Toluene in Gasoline by ASTM D3606 on an Agilent 8890 GC with Capillary Columns
Robust, Sensitive, and Reliable ACCUTRACE (TM) Plus Fuel Marker Analysis by Two-Dimensional GC/MS Using Hydrogen as the Carrier Gas
The Analysis of Monocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by ASTM D7504 on the Agilent 8850 GC System
Helium, Argon, Nitrogen, and Hydrocarbon Impurity Analysis in Hydrogen Using an Agilent 8890 GC and TCD/FID System
Environmental Fast Analysis of 18 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Using the Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC Dual ECD
Volatile Organic Compounds Analysis in Drinking Water with Headspace GC/MSD Using Hydrogen Carrier Gas and HydroInert Source
Analysis of Semivolatile Organic Compounds with Hydrogen Carrier Gas and HydroInert Source by Gas Chromatography/Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS/MS)
Analysis of Semivolatile Organic Compounds Using Hydrogen Carrier Gas and HydroInert Source by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
EPA TO-15 Analysis Using Hydrogen Carrier Gas and the Agilent HydroInert Source
PAH Analysis Using GC/MS/MS, Hydrogen Carrier Gas, and the Agilent HydroInert Source
Analysis of PAHs Using GC/MS with Hydrogen Carrier Gas and the Agilent HydroInert Source
Optimized PAH Analysis Using Triple Quadrupole GC/MS with Hydrogen Carrier
Analysis of Phthalate with Hydrogen Carrier Gas
Two Methods to Perform the New US EPA Method 1628 with GC/MSD: Traditional Helium Carrier Gas and Hydrogen Carrier Gas
Food Analysis of Distilled Spirits Using an Agilent 8890 Gas Chromatograph System
Extraction and Analysis of PAHs in Infant Formula Using Agilent Captiva EMR-Lipid Cartridges by GC/MS with H2 Carrier Gas
Optimized PAH Analysis Using Triple Quadrupole GC/MS with Hydrogen Carrier
Flavor and Fragrance GC/MS Analysis with Hydrogen Carrier Gas and the Agilent HydroInert Source
Hydrogen Carrier Gas for Analyzing Pesticides in Pigmented Foods with GC/MS/MS
Essential Oils Analysis Using GC/MS with Hydrogen and the Agilent HydroInert Source
Examination of Mass Spectra of Aroma Components in Essential Oils via GC/MS
Method Translation for the Analysis of Vanilla Extracts Using an Agilent 8850 GC System
Cannabis and Hemp Analysis of Terpenes in Cannabis with Hydrogen Carrier Gas and the Agilent HydroInert Source on the Agilent 8890/5977C GC/MS
Analysis of Residual Solvents in Cannabinoid Products with Hydrogen Carrier Gas and the Agilent HydroInert Source
Spectral Fidelity of Terpenes in Cannabis with Hydrogen Carrier Gas
Analysis of Terpenes in Cannabis with Hydrogen Carrier Gas and the Agilent HydroInert Source on the Agilent Intuvo 9000/5977C GC/MS
Forensics Evaluation of Hydrogen Carrier Gas and the Agilent HydroInert Source for Forensic Street Drug Analysis
Pharmaceutical Residual Solvents Analysis for the Pharmaceutical Industry Using the Agilent 8697 Headspace Sampler and 8850 GC-FID System
Quantification of Nitrosamine Impurities in Sartan Drugs Using an Agilent GC/TQ with Hydrogen Carrier Gas
Other Quality Control of Fragrance Samples by GC-FID: Method Transfer from the Agilent 7890 GC to the Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC
Identification of Metabolites in Porcine Serum with Hydrogen Carrier Gas

Nitrogen carrier gas applications

Industry Title
Energy and Chemical A Unified Method for the Analysis of Monocyclic Aromatic Solvents Using the Agilent 8860 GC System and On Board Data Processing
Analysis of Residual N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone (NMP) in Lithium-Ion Battery Electrodes
Analysis of N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone (NMP) in Battery Electrodes Using the Agilent 8860 GC with Ultrasound-assisted Extraction
Environmental Analysis of 27 Halogenated Hydrocarbons and 11 Volatile Organic Compounds in Drinking Water
Analysis of Drinking Water with the Agilent 8860 GC and 7697A Headspace Sampler
Determination of Halogenated Hydrocarbons, Benzene, and Derivatives in Drinking Water with
the Agilent 8697 Headspace Sampler and Agilent 8890 GC System
Haloacetic Acid Analysis by the Agilent Intuvo 9000 Dual ECD System
Food Analysis of Organophosphorus and Organochlorine Pesticides in Fruit and Vegetables Using an Agilent 8890 GC with Four Detectors
Rapid Analysis of 37 FAMEs with the Agilent 8860 Gas Chromatograph
Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAMEs) Analysis on an Agilent 8890 GC and Its Application to Real Samples
Analysis of Flavor Compounds in Beer using the Integrated Agilent 8697 Headspace Sampler with the Agilent 8890 GC System
Forensic Method Translation and Evaluation to Implement Nitrogen Carrier Gas in the Dual-Flame Ionization Detector Configuration for Blood Alcohol Analysis
Pharmaceutical Analysis of USP <467> Residual Solvents Using the Agilent 8697 Headspace Sampler-XL Tray
and Agilent 8890 GC System
Other Determination of Ethylene Oxide and Ethylene Chlorohydrin in Medical Devices Using the Agilent 8890 GC and 7697A Headspace Sampler

Questions? We’re here to help

Connect with our technical specialists for advice regarding helium conservation or switching to a different GC or GC/MS carrier gas.

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