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Genomic DNA Kits


Genomic DNA Kits


Agilent Genomic DNA kits are available for the automated assessment of genomic DNA (gDNA) size and integrity on the Agilent Fragment Analyzer systems. The kits are designed for quality control (QC) of gDNA extraction samples that are used in whole-genome sequencing, metagenomics, and large structural variant analysis. They are also suited for the analysis of degraded DNA, such as formalin-fixed parafilm-embedded (FFPE) samples.

Sample preparation is simplified by eliminating dilution steps with the choice of the Genomic DNA kits or the HS Genomic DNA kits for high- and low-concentrated gDNA samples. A broad sizing range allows researchers to size gDNA samples up to 60 kb.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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