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Polymers & Plastics

Polymers & Plastics

Increase Confidence in Composition and Performance with Reliable and Robust Analysis

Reliable analyses of polymer manufacturing materials are vital to ensure product performance. Due to the importance of efficiency and cost-effectiveness in workflows, it is essential to run accurate analytical processes that can quickly ascertain quality. Agilent’s reliable and robust range of instrumentation offers a solution for every stage of the polymer process. From research and development, to polymerization, compounding and manufacturing, packaging and shipping, final product testing, and recycling, Agilent has a solution to ensure your polymers are meeting your expectations in development, purification, and composition. Our laboratory bench and microscopy systems provide insights into both bulk and detailed structure while our mobile and handheld instruments provide superior quality information quickly, in any location.

Optimize efficiency and savings at every step of the polymer supply chain, download the polymer productivity library.