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Bond Elut PPL SPE Cartridges and VersaPlates

Bond Elut PPL SPE Cartridges and VersaPlates

Bond Elut PPL (Priority PolLutant) cartridge is a styrene-divinylbenzene (SDVB) polymer modified with a proprietary nonpolar surface. PPL solid phase extraction (SPE) will retain even the most polar classes of analytes. The large particle size eases flow for viscous or particulate-rich water samples, while the large surface area and strong hydrophobicity ensure reproducible extractions with high recoveries.

Bond Elut PPL has been proven to work well for the extraction of polar compounds with a logP of –2 to 0.5, with efficient retention. The pH-adjusted parallel elution test demonstrates the opportunity to deliver good recoveries, especially for multitarget analysis.

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