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Bond Elut HLB SPE Sorbent

Bond Elut HLB SPE Cartridge

Bond Elut HLB SPE Sorbent

Bond Elut HLB (Hydrophilic-Lipophilic Balanced) is a capable and versatile solid phase extraction (SPE) sorbent formulated with monodisperse divinylbenzene and N-vinylpyrrolidone copolymer based on specific ratio. The advanced sorbent offers exceptional retention capabilities for a wide range of compounds, including polar, intermediate polar, and non-polar compounds, as well as acidic, neutral, and basic compounds. Bond Elut HLB can be used for various sample testing applications, including environmental, biological, and food. The unique composition delivers the optimal recovery rates and reproducibility needed to enhance SPE processes and achieve elevated levels of efficiency and precision.

HLB SPE can be used as a general-purpose sorbent, especially for extracting analytes from complicated samples such as blood and urine.

The HLB SPE particle size is 55-80 µm.

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