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pAAV-hrGFP Vector

pAAV-hrGFP Vector


The pAAV-hrGFP vector is used as a positive control in the AAV Helper-Free System. This control vector uses humanized Renilla GFP (hrGFP) reporter gene for easy detection of expression in vivo using fluorescence microscopy, fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis, or fluorometry. pAAV-hrGFP can be used to qualitatively assess the transfection efficiency of the producer cell line and to determine the viral titer using fluorescence microscopy or by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS).

By eliminating the requirement for live helper virus, the AAV Helper-Free System provides a safer, purer and more convenient alternative to retroviral and adenoviral gene delivery systems. In the AAV Helper-Free system, the AAV-2 ITR-containing plasmids (pAAV-MCS, pAAV-LacZ and pAAV-hrGFP and pAAV-IRES-hrGFP) do not share any regions of homology with the rep/cap-gene containing plasmid (pAAV-RC), preventing the production of wild-type AAV-2 through recombination. To ensure that this lack of homology is maintained, it is important to use all of the components provided with the AAV Helper-Free system together.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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