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pCFB-EGSH Retroviral Vector

pCFB-EGSH Retroviral Vector


Agilent has developed a retroviral version of the Complete Control Inducible Mammalian Expression System to expand its utility. With pCFB-EGSH, we have adapted the ecdysone inducible components of the Complete Control System for retroviral delivery. Gene delivery using retroviruses often yields transduction efficiencies close to 100%, and the proviral copy number can be easily controlled by varying the multiplicity of infection (MOI). This latter feature is particularly important for inducible systems, for which low basal expression and high induction ratios are affected by copy number. Thus, transduction of the target cell with virus at an optimal MOI should yield a high frequency of clones capable of mediating desirable expression profiles without exhaustive colony screening.

A limitation to the use of plasmid-based vectors for controlled gene expression is the fact that many cell types of academic, industrial or clinical interest are difficult or virtually impossible to transfect using current transfection methods. In particular, primary human cell lines, lymphocytes, neurons and other nondividing cells are best transduced using viral delivery systems. The most popular and user-friendly of these are the retroviral vectors, like pCFB-EGSH. Infection with retroviruses often yields transduction efficiencies close to 100%, and the proviral copy number can be easily controlled by varying the multiplicity of infection (MOI).
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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