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ArcticExpress (DE3) Competent Cells

ArcticExpress (DE3) Competent Cells


ArcticExpress (D3) Competent Cells are engineered to address the common bacterial gene expression hurdle of protein insolubility. These cells are derived from the high-performance Agilent BL21-Gold competent cells, enabling efficient high-level expression of heterologous proteins in Escherichia coli.

Forced high-level expression of a heterologous protein in E. coli can result in the production of large amounts of incorrectly folded protein, generating aggregates of inactive protein known as inclusion bodies. While the aggregated protein may be easy to purify, obtaining active protein from inclusion bodies typically requires protein-specific and labor-intensive in vitro re-folding steps, with no guarantee of obtaining biologically active product. ArcticExpress (D3) competent cells provide an in vivo approach to increasing the yield of soluble protein produced in E. coli.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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