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Community Designs for Agrigenomics

Community Designs for Agrigenomics

The Agilent SureSelect CD Medicinal Genomics StrainSEEK NGS targeted DNA sequencing panel enables cannabis and hemp cultivar genotyping and screening. Breeders can use information from the panel to identify novel variants and guide efforts to breed cannabis cultivars that exhibit specific physical traits, chemical profiles, and disease resistance characteristics.

The panel can be used in conjunction with other Agilent products, including SureSelect XT reagents for NGS DNA library preparation, TapeStation systems for sample QC, and the Magnis NGS Prep system for automated library preparation.

Agilent products and solutions are intended to be used for cannabis quality control and safety testing in laboratories where such use is permitted under state/country law.

Agilent has not performed verification and validation on these panels.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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