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UV-Vis-NIR Praying Mantis Diffuse Reflectance Accessory

UV-Vis-NIR Praying Mantis Diffuse Reflectance Accessory

UV-Vis-NIR Praying Mantis Diffuse Reflectance Accessory

The praying mantis diffuse reflectance accessory is useful for measuring the diffuse reflectance of low volumes of powders and pastes. Using two large hemispherical mirrors, it collects the light reflected from the crystalline sample, enabling the full wavelength range of the Cary instrument to be used. The accessory can be used with the Cary 4000, 5000, 6000i, and 7000 instruments.

The small sample requirement, as small as 3 mm in diameter, enables researchers developing new compounds to perform precise analyses. The praying mantis is ideal for material science analysis in academic and government research laboratories, as well as inorganic chemistry, and physics laboratories.

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