InfinityLab HPLC Water
InfinityLab Water for HPLC
Agilent InfinityLab HPLC Water is an HPLC gradient grade water that is 0.2 µm prefiltered and manufactured at the lowest levels of impurities. This consistent lot-to-lot quality of Agilent HPLC water helps to avoid unwanted troubleshooting and HPLC instrument downtime caused by impure water. InfinityLab HPLC Water has been developed for optimum performance and is designed to work with Agilent instrumentation and applications. A lot-specific certificate of analysis available to meet GLP requirements.
Synonym: De-ionized water
Formula: H2O
CAS number: 7732-18-5
Molecular weight: 18.02 g/mol
Beilstein: 2050024
EC index number: 231-791-2