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InfinityLab Acetonitrile for HPLC

InfinityLab HPLC Acetonitrile

InfinityLab Acetonitrile for HPLC

HPLC Acetonitrile, also known as HPLC ACN, is a water-miscible, polar aprotic solvent with high UV transmittance properties. It has low viscosity, providing less backpressure compared to other commonly used organic solvents.

Agilent InfinityLab HPLC Acetonitrile was developed for optimum performance of Agilent LC systems. Agilent’s HPLC ACN offers high elution strength for reversed phase (U)HPLC applications. It is filtered through a 0.2 µm filter, and offers excellent lot-to-lot reproducibility. HPLC Acetonitrile is easy to use, and will benefit your analyses by minimizing troubleshooting time and extend column lifetime. A lot-specific certificate of analysis is also available to meet GLP-specific requirements.

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