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InfinityLab Methanol for LC/MS

InfinityLab LC/MS Methanol

InfinityLab Methanol for LC/MS

LC/MS methanol is a is a water-miscible, polar protic solvent that is widely used in reversed phase LC/MS applications. Agilent InfinityLab LC/MS Methanol is tested and specified for UHPLC-MS.

Agilent's LC/MS methanol is stored in borosilicate glass bottles for the lowest levels of trace metal impurities and contaminations. This LC/MS methyl alcohol is prefiltered at 0.2 µm and ready to use. There is no need to filter separately as there is for lower quality methanol chromatography solvents. The high purity of Agilent LC/MS grade methanol can help you achieve excellent detection limits for mass spectrometry and extend column lifetimes due to reduced contaminants.

InfinityLab LC/MS Methanol has been developed for optimum performance of Agilent LC systems. To meet GLP-specific requirements, a lot-specific certificate of analysis is available.

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