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IgG, Specific for Gamma-Chains/FITC - Rabbit F(ab

IgG, Specific for Gamma-Chains/FITC - Rabbit F(ab')2 (Conjugate)

Clone Polyclonal

For the detection of surface IgG on lymphocytes in cell suspensions. Being the F(ab')2 fragment of rabbit immunoglobulin, the antibody is particularly well-suited for application on unfixed cells exhibiting Fc receptors, and also for other applications where the Fc part of the antibody molecule could disturb.

The solid-phase absorbed antibody has then been degraded with pepsin and the F(ab')2 fragment isolated by gel filtration. Finally, the F(ab')2 fragment has been conjugated with FITC.

We also provide a FITC-conjugated IgG antibody for use on tissue sections. See Related Products.

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