C1q Complement/FITC (Conjugate)
Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human C1q Complement/FITC, is recommended for the immunofluorescent demonstration of human C1q in tissues, and may also be used for other immunofluorescence techniques. The antibody reacts with the human C1q complement. Traces of contaminating antibodies have been removed by solid-phase absorption.
- Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human
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Product Details
- Excellent specificity
- High lot to lot consistency
- For immunohistochemistry (IHC)
- Certified manufacturing facilities guarantee full quality control
- Dako products are the result of almost 50 years experience ensuring quality and innovation in antibodies and reagents: the genesis of the pathology lab of tomorrow.
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- Technical Overviews
Immunohistochemical Staining Methods - Education Guide, Sixth Edition
The focus of the sixth edition of the IHC Guidebook is to provide a comprehensive immunohistochemistry (IHC) resource for lab managers, lab technicians, learning pathologists, and students from around the world.
- Technical Overviews
- English
- 30 Nov 2021
- 27.05 MB
- Instructions for Use