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AMACR (Dako Omnis)

AMACR (Dako Omnis)

Clone 13H4

Recognizes a 382-amino-acid protein, alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase (AMACR), that was identified by cDNA library subtraction in conjunction with high throughput microarray screening of prostate adenocarcinomas. AMACR, also known as P504S, is an enzyme that is involved in bile acid biosynthesis and β-oxidation of branched-chain fatty acids. Results aid in the classification of premalignant high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN) and prostate adenocarcinoma (1). AMACR is present at low or undetectable levels in glandular epithelial cells of normal and benign hyperplastic prostates.

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