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ReadyCal Kits

ReadyCal Kits

ReadyCal kit standards are a blend of polymers preweighed into autosampler vials, which allows for the quick and reproducible preparation of an 8 to 12 point calibration curve without the inconvenience of weighing samples. Just add solvent directly into the autosampler vial, let it stand for two hours, shake gently, and inject. ReadyCal kits are available for a variety of polymer standards, including polystyrene, PMMA, proteins, dextran, pullulan, PEG, and PEG/PEO.

Each kit contains several vials of three different blends. Each of the three different color-coded vials contains three or four polymers of the same type with carefully selected differing molar masses. ReadyCal kits designed for high-temperature applications are also available.

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