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Low Thermal Mass LTM II Columns

Low Thermal Mass LTM II Columns

Low Thermal Mass LTM II Columns

J&W Low Thermal Mass LTM II column modules combine a high-quality fused silica capillary column with heating and temperature-sensing components for a low thermal mass column assembly. The LTM column module contains a patented design that efficiently heats and cools the column for significantly shorter analytical cycle times compared to conventional air-bath GC oven techniques, while also using less power.

Modules for 7890 Series GC systems are available in a wide variety of WCOT and select PLOT column configurations. The LTM II transfer line module has two heated, temperature-programmable tubes (transfer lines) through which the column leads pass, to prevent cold spots between the oven and the column assembly. Each module attaches to a transfer line module, and the resulting assembly inserts into slots in the LTM oven door.

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