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Pesticides and Environmental Pollutants 4.0 MRM Database

Pesticides and Environmental Pollutants 4.0 MRM Database

Pesticides and Environmental Pollutants 4.0 MRM Database

The Pesticides and Environmental Pollutants MRM Database 4.0 (P&EP 4.0) is a comprehensive and user-friendly triple quadrupole GC/MS database, featuring more than 1,100 compounds and 7,500 matrix-optimized MRM transitions. This database simplifies the otherwise time-consuming and costly process of manually developing MRM or dMRM methods, especially when dealing with a large number of compounds and matrices. It also alleviates the need to purchase and analyze expensive standards typically required in method development.

Pesticide residue analysis is a complex and demanding task, often entailing the detection and quantification of hundreds of target compounds in intricate matrices. With its extensive library of pre-optimized MRM transitions and extensive compound coverage, P&EP 4.0 simplifies the analytical workflow. This accessibility and efficiency lower the barrier of entry into pesticide residue analysis, making it an ideal solution for laboratories of all sizes.

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