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SureGuide Custom Amplified Library

SureGuide Custom Amplified Library


Agilent SureGuide Custom Amplified Libraries are delivered as pre-amplified oligo pools that are ready-to-clone into Agilent’s lentiviral vector. The CRISPR custom amplified libraries are also pre-amplified with fixed end sequences, making them compatible with the Agilent pSGLenti vector backbone.

In the libraries the entire guide region can be customized, allowing the flexibility to target new regions, design your own genome-wide or targeted screens, and even explore alternative CRISPR applications. CRISPR Pooled gRNA libraries may be created and applications that use a human or mouse U6 promoter will benefit from a library-based cloning technique using our proprietary SureVector technology.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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