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GenetiSure Dx Postnatal Assay


The GenetiSure Dx Postnatal assay is FDA cleared as a Class II device in US and IVDR Class C certified in Europe. The GenetiSure Dx Postnatal Assay uses Agilent's proprietary aCGH for copy-number and LOH data, enabling cytogeneticists to accurately detect genetic anomalies associated with developmental delay, intellectual disability, congenital anomalies, and dysmorphic features. The GenetiSure Dx Postnatal solution includes all components required to process your microarray samples and perform data analysis.

INTENDED USE: The GenetiSure Dx Postnatal Assay is a qualitative assay intended for the postnatal detection of copy number variations (CNV) and copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity (cnLOH) in genomic DNA obtained from peripheral whole blood in patients referred for chromosomal testing based on clinical presentation. GenetiSure Dx Postnatal Assay is intended for the detection of CNVs and cnLOH associated with developmental delay, intellectual disability, congenital anomalies or dysmorphic features. Assay results are intended to be used in conjunction with other clinical and diagnostic findings, consistent with professional standards of practice, including confirmation by alternative methods, parental evaluation, clinical genetic evaluation, and counseling, as appropriate. Interpretation of assay results is intended to be performed only by healthcare professionals, board certified in clinical cytogenetics or molecular genetics. The assay is intended to be used on the SureScan Dx Microarray Scanner and analyzed by CytoDx Software.

WARNING: This device is not intended to be used for standalone or diagnostic purposes, pre-implantation or prenatal testing or screening, population screening, or the detection of, or screening for, acquired or somatic genetic aberrations. Assay results are intended to be used in conjunction with other clinical and diagnostic findings, consistent with professional standards of practice, including confirmation by alternative methods, parental evaluation, clinical generic evaluation, and counseling, as appropriate. Interpretation of assay results is intended to be performed only by healthcare professionals, board certified in clinical cytogenetics or molecular genetics.
For In Vitro Diagnostic Use.

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