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MARS Starter Kits

MARS Starter Kits

The Agilent Multiple Affinity Removal system comprises a family of immunodepletion products based on affinity interactions with optimized buffers for sample loading, washing, eluting, and regenerating.

The products are designed to remove high-abundance proteins from human biological fluids such as serum, plasma, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This technology enables removal of albumin and IgG in a single step.

The targeted high-abundance proteins are simultaneously removed by the immobilized antibodies when biological samples are passed through the column. Selective immunodepletion provides an enriched pool of low-abundance proteins for downstream proteomics analyses.

The Starter kits include loading and elution buffer for approximately:

• 200 sample depletions using the 4.6 x 50 mm LC columns

• 100 sample depletions using the 4.6 x 100 mm LC columns

• 200 spin cartridge uses

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