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Connectivity Service

Connectivity Service

Lab managers, lab technicians, and pathologists all want to minimize errors, reduce hands‐on time, and be able to easily document case handling history.

DakoLink software is a staining management software that reduces the risk of transcription errors, eliminates the need for relabeling, and automatically registers slide handling information. It integrates with LIS and supports remote access connectivity that enables the pathologist to request tests digitally from DakoLink placed in the office, which will appear in real time on the DakoLink workstation in the lab.

DakoLink can receive case ID and test request information automatically from the laboratory information system (LIS), eliminating repetitive data entry and significantly reducing instrument setup time. Information flows both ways and DakoLink complements existing information in LIS by sending back timely data about a sample’s completion status, protocol, and stainer information. DakoLink is easily integrated with new vendor or in-house developed LIS systems. We offer a default implementation option for building LIS connectivity complete with documentation, sample files, and a test application. It already connects to more than 100 different LIS systems.

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