Storeroom Management
Storeroom Management
- Lab Operations Management
Product Details
- Manage inventory levels in real-time through sales, receiving, transfers, and adjustments
- Receive items into on-hand inventory (from a vendor or from core manufacturing)
- Sell products using order entry/POS (point of sale) method
- Allow customers to browse and order through an online core catalog
- Allow online and in-person product ordering, pickup, and delivery
- Allow for the use of internal fund cards as 'debit' cards for customers
- Generate vendor purchase orders
- Perform full or partial physical inventory counts
- Create revenue and usage reports
- Track critical info (i.e., dates and titer)
- Follow detailed tracking of hazardous chemicals
iLab Advanced Scheduling Tools
This session provides informative new perspectives on how to most effectively use iLab's advanced scheduling features.
iLab Core Facility User Training
Learn how to quickly teach your core's users everything they need to know, so they too can easily and efficiently utilize your facility's offerings.
Basics on how to use iLab
This session provides informative new perspectives on how to most effectively use iLab for efficient core management.
Core Facilities Management
CrossLab iLab core facility management is a web-based enterprise software solution composed of a base software suite and add-on modules and integrations. The software facilitates service request, customer, and project management, as well as billing and invoicing, among other functions.|iLab core facility management software helps you save time and money for core personnel, institutional administrators, and researchers. iLab operations software is designed to meet the needs of varying types of shared resource facilities, benefitting the individual core and enabling an institution to fully profit from investment in core operations.
Materials Management
iLab materials management software helps research laboratories simplify their day-to-day operations. Its functionality includes materials requisitioning management, inventory management, and reporting. With this tool, labs can search across multiple vendor catalogs to get the best price, view all orders for the lab and avoid duplicate ordering, and track their inventory.