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1260 Infinity II Analytical-Scale Fraction Collector

1260 Infinity II Analytical-Scale Fraction Collector

The 1260 Infinity II Analytical-Scale Fraction Collector is optimized for laboratories performing analytical-scale compound purification of nanogram to milligram quantities with typical flow rates between 0.1 and 10 mL/min. The module features the full set of collection modes and is compatible with a wide variety of trigger sources. SBS plates and four different tube sizes with various lenghts are supported.

The Analytical-Scale Fraction Collector features a compact closed-box design, requires minimal bench space, and can be seamlessly integrated into any InfinityLab Analytical System. The built-in fraction delay sensor allows automated delay calibration for maximum substance recovery, and the four preconfigured capillary kits ensure minimum peak dispersion for maximum purity. Maximum capacity can be easily enhanced by clustering up to three modules.

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