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Define your FISH assay on Dako Omnis

Define your FISH assay on Dako Omnis

Dako Omnis is intended to perform automated ISH staining on FFPE tissue sections. Dako Omnis supports FISH assays with IQFISH Fast Hybridization Buffer as well as creation of user-defined FISH protocols thereby facilitating fast, automated FISH staining on Dako Omnis.

You should always validate your customized protocol before approval for diagnostic use.

Preparation of your FISH assay

To run FISH on Dako Omnis use IQFISH Fast Hybridization Buffer 900 (G9414A) in Vial with Mixing Ball 2 mL for Dako Omnis (GC206). To ensure optimal mixing, use Dako Omnis Mixing Device (GC116) before loading the vial onto Dako Omnis. Refer to the separate Dako Omnis Mixing Device User Guide for information about the correct usage of the mixing device.

Vial with Mixing Ball 2 mL for Dako Omnis
Dako Omnis Mixing Device

Refer to the Dako Omnis Basic User Guide section on the ISH Staining for further information on the preparation of your FISH probe assay.

Customizations of ISH protocols

Dako provides two IQFISH protocol templates: With and without dewax:

To customize the protocol

  1. Select a FISH protocol template of choice
  2. Create a copy
  3. Name the protocol
  4. Edit as needed (steps marked in red) Refer to Dako Omnis Advanced User Guide to ISH protocol editing
  5. Click Save

Note: You should always validate new protocols before approval for diagnostic use.

Note: Select dry unloading to ensure the ISH slides are unloaded in the dry compartment of the Unloading station. The Darkness ensures the FISH signal does not fade.

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