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Herculase Enhanced DNA Polymerase

Herculase Enhanced DNA Polymerase


Agilent Herculase Enhanced DNA Polymerase provides superior performance in applications requiring high fidelity amplification over a broad range of target lengths and complexities (0.1 – 48 kb). The novel DNA polymerase composition consists predominantly of Pfu DNA polymerase, combined with the exclusive thermostable ArchaeMaxx polymerase-enhancing factor and a small amount of Taq2000 DNA polymerase.

The Pfu-based formulation is provided with a buffer optimized to promote high yield, specificity, and amplification of extra-long targets. As a result, you can use the Herculase enhanced DNA polymerase to successfully amplify small targets as well as genomic targets up to 37 kb and vector targets up to 48 kb, while maintaining a lower error rate than other DNA polymerase mixtures.

A key component of Herculase Enhanced DNA Polymerase is the ArchaeMaxx polymerase-enhancing factor. The ArchaeMaxx factor eliminates the dUTP PCR inhibitor and promotes shorter extension times, higher yield, and greater target length capabilities.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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