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Anti-FITC/AP CISH Accessory Kit (Dako Omnis)

Anti-FITC/AP CISH Accessory Kit (Dako Omnis)

Anti-FITC-AP CISH Accessory Kit (Dako Omnis) is intended for the detection of FITC-labeled in situ hybridization (ISH) probes following hybridization to formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue specimens onboard Dako Omnis.

Anti-FITC-AP CISH Accessory Kit (Dako Omnis) provides all the reagents necessary for the detection of FITC-labeled probes onboard Dako Omnis.

The kit includes four vials: CISH Endogenous Enzyme block, Anti-FITC-AP primary antibody, BCIP-NBT substrate chromogen, Nuclear Fast Red.

Following hybridization with a suitable probe (not included), the CISH Endogenous Enzyme block is added to suppress endogenous enzyme activity followed by incubation with the Anti-FITC-AP primary antibody. The Anti-FTIC-AP antibody binds to the FITC molecules on the probe with the conjugated Alkaline Phosphatase acting to catalyze the deposition of the BCIP-NBT substrate chromogen. The result is crisp dark blue/purple staining at the sites where the probe is bound. Following staining, samples are counterstained using Nuclear Fast Red.

Agilent CISH probes formulated for use on Dako Omnis should be used in conjunction with the kit.

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