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MET IQFISH Probe with CEP7 (Dako Omnis)

MET IQFISH Probe with CEP7 (Dako Omnis)

MET IQFISH Probe with CEP7 (Dako Omnis) is intended for the detection of the MET gene amplification by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The dual-color probe for Dako Omnis is recommended to be used on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) lung tissue specimens.

In normal diploid cells in metaphase or interphase, the MET IQFISH Probe with CEP7 generates two orange-red signals (MET) and two green signals (chromosome 7). In cells with a gain or amplification of the MET gene or of chromosome 7, the number of signals per cell will be greater.

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