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Reagent Bottles, User-Fillable, for Autostainer Link Instruments

Reagent bottles designed to allow the use of a user-defined reagent on Autostainer Link instruments. Each single-use bottle is labeled with positive identification technology. The User-Fillable Reagent Bottle is designed to allow the use of a custom reagent on the Dako Autostainer Link family of instruments.
User-Fillable Reagent Bottle may be filled to a maximum fill volume of approximately 5 mL (SK20005-2), 12 mL (SK20110-2), 25 mL (SK20225-2) or 50 mL (SK20365-2). The User-Fillable Reagent Bottle label contains an encryption algorithm that allows Autostainer Link family of instruments to identify the contents, volume and instructions for using the custom reagent based on stored user input.

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