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BAC Kits


BAC Kits


The new 165 kb BAC kit for the Femto Pulse system is designed for the Pulse-Field CE separation and sizing of large bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) fragment. The new kit provides unparalleled fragment resolution, sensitivity, and accuracy for sizing high molecular weight DNA fragments such as BAC libraries ranging from 75 to 165,000 bp in size, with single-fragment detection sensitivity down to 1.6 pg/μL and up to 50 pg/μL.

The 55 kb BAC kit for the Agilent Femto Pulse system is designed for quality control of BAC digests and large DNA fragments with accurate sizing up to 55 kb. A highly optimized pulsed-field method prevents peak broadening, ensuring high-resolution and accurate sizing of BAC digests and large DNA fragments in approximately 1.5 hours.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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