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Gas Chromatography (GC) Interface Supplies for ICP-MS

Gas Chromatography (GC) Interface Supplies for ICP-MS

The Agilent GC-ICP-MS interface consists of a heated, passivated transfer line and a special torch with a heated injector tube. The unique GC-ICP-MS interface is ideal for routine analysis of high-boiling point compounds, providing unparalleled performance for advanced GC-ICP-MS applications.

Argon make-up gas supplied by the ICP-MS is preheated via a stainless steel heat exchanger inside the GC oven before being added to the GC column effluent at the head of the transfer line. In this way, the sample is maintained at constant high temperature from the end of the chromatographic column in the GC oven to the tip of the ICP injector.

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