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Spectroscopy Dilution Bottles

Stay Safe cap, with venting filter and 1.6 mm fittings

Spectroscopy Dilution Bottles

Spectroscopy dilution bottles ensure a clean and safe supply of diluent, rinse, or carrier solution to spectroscopy instruments. Agilent offer two kits of spectroscopy diluent bottles and associated supplies. The 2 L capacity PFA bottle kit is ideal for use with ICP-MS instruments, and is recommended for storing diluent for the Agilent ADS 2 autodilution system used with Agilent ICP-MS instruments, and for general storage of the internal standard (ISTD). The high-purity PFA bottle material ensures lower contamination, helping you to maintain lower detection limits for trace level ICP-MS applications, where lower background is critical. Agilent also offer the 6 L capacity HDPE bottle kit, compatible with both aqueous and organic solvents. Both kits are compatible with conventional ICP-OES, ICP-MS, MP-AES and AAS instruments used with autosamplers or AVS/ISIS switching valve systems.

Each kit of spectroscopy sample carrier bottles includes either a 6 L HDPE or a 2 L PFA bottle with GL45 thread, a performance-improving Stay Safe cap designed for spectroscopy, a venting valve with a six-month time strip to indicate when replacement is needed, and fittings and plugs for connecting multiple solution lines.

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