Big Blue Transgenic Rodents - Details & Specifications
The Big Blue transgenic rodent mutagenesis assay is a system for detecting mutations from test compounds in a variety of tissues from transgenic mice and rats. We also offer the Big Blue rat cell line which employs the Big Blue technology for in vitro mutagenesis studies.
The Big Blue transgenic rodent mutagenesis system uses a lambda shuttle vector carrying lacI and c-II as the possible mutational target genes. By incorporating the LacZ and Lambda cII gene into lambda DNA, you are able to efficiently package DNA from any tissue of interest and determine a quantitative level of mutagenesis within days. Two assays are available, the Lambda cII select Assay and the lacI plaque color screening assay.
All rodents are maintained under maximum barrier conditions to ensure their pathogen-free health status. The foundation colony of Big Blue rats and mice, which supplies breeders to the barrier production colony, is housed in plastic film isolators where their genetic integrity is closely supervised and monitored. In the maximum barrier production colony, comprehensive health-monitoring tests are performed biweekly to confirm that the colony remains free from over 40 viral, bacterial, protozoan and parasitic agents. Results of these tests are available on request.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures