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Academia special offers

Academia special offers

Enjoy special offers for your next instrument purchase. Register below to discuss your needs with your Agilent representative.

For teaching and education

Staff responsible for education and teaching at high schools, colleges, or universities for undergraduate and graduate programs may qualify for a special teaching discount on their next instrument purchase.

In addition, with the purchase of select instrument software* you are eligible to receive multiple copies of data analysis licenses for educational purposes free of charge.

For academic research and core facilities

With the purchase of select instrument software* you are eligible to receive multiple copies of data analysis licenses for educational purposes free of charge.

Eligible software products (*)

  • For chromatography systems
    • OpenLab CDS Workstation
    • OpenLab CDS Chemstation Edition
  • For LC, GC, and ICP-MS systems
    • MassHunter Workstation
    • MassHunter PCDL
  • For ICP-OES, MP-AES, Cary60/100/300/4000/5000/6000i/7000 UMS/8454 UVVIS/Eclipse/630 FTIR
    • SpectrAA
    • ICP Expert 7
    • MP Expert
    • UV-Visible ChemStation
    • Cary Win FLR
    • MircoLab