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GC/MS Instruments

Extensive Range of GC/MS Instruments

The Agilent portfolio of GC/MS instruments provides comprehensive analytical capabilities, allowing users to achieve sensitive, robust, and reliable GC/MS analysis of any sample in a routine setting.

The Agilent 5977C single quadrupole GC/MSD offers users a versatile, cost-effective solution including the Agilent High Efficiency Source (HES) for the most challenging detection limit samples. The Agilent 7000E and 7010D GC/TQ systems give the ultimate in GC/MS/MS robustness, performance, and sensitivity for targeted analysis. The 7250 GC/Q-TOF offers users unprecedented flexibility from untargeted screening through to routine quantitation with low energy EI ionization capabilities coupled with high resolution accurate mass (HRAM) and MS/MS capabilities.

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Essential Supplies for GC/MS Workflows

These top supplies are recommended by Agilent technical experts to optimize your GC/MS workflows.

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Discover the Possibilities. Agilent 5977C GC/MSD

Meet the Agilent 5977C GC/MSD. The 5977C is designed to provide robust, day-in, day-out performance so you can focus on what matters.

Beyond All Limits: Agilent 7010D Triple Quadrupole GC/MS

Meet the Agilent 7010D GC/TQ with high-end robustness, ultratrace-level detection, and dedication to sustainability and transparency.

Applying Hydrogen Carrier Gas to Real-World GC/MS Analyses

This technical overview evaluates the application of the Agilent HydroInert source to Agilent Inert Plus GC/MS analyses.

Maximize Throughput, Confident Results. Agilent MassHunter Software Suite

Designed to solve your everyday struggles, Agilent MassHunter software provides customizable features and capabilities that support diverse applications.

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Agilent Launches New J&W Ultra Inert Columns with Ultra Low-Bleed Technology

The new J&W 5Q columns combine Agilent's industry-leading Ultra Inert performance with Ultra Low-Bleed technology, delivering the new standard for MS column performance and productivity. 5Q columns provide exceptional peak symmetry and minimal column bleed enabling high sensitivity, mass spectral integrity, and accurate quantitation for the most challenging, trace-level analytes. 5Q columns are also designed to optimize sample throughput with fast conditioning and outstanding durability even at high operating temperatures.

Agilent Announces Cutting-Edge Advances in GC/MS and LC/Q-TOF Technology at ASMS 2024

Agilent is introducing two new products. The Agilent 7010D Triple Quadrupole GC/MS System (7010D GC/TQ) features the new HES 2.0 ion source, providing attogram-level sensitivity, unmatched robustness, and industry-leading uptime. The Agilent ExD Cell available for the 6545XT AdvanceBio LC/Q-TOF enhances peptide and protein characterization capabilities by adding electron capture dissociation (ECD).

Agilent ranked in top 20 of Time magazine's 500 most sustainable companies in the world

Sustainability is closely tied to our mission to advance the quality of life. It drives our efforts to be a leading sustainable lab partner to our customers, to work toward a clean-energy future, and to be a top employer of diverse and inclusive talent. We're honored to be ranked in the top 20 of Time magazine's 500 most sustainable companies in the world.

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