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安捷伦提供了现代化的手性色谱柱产品系列,可在所有常见的高效液相色谱 (HPLC) 模式下快速、可重现地分离对映异构体。固定化手性选择剂提供了各种对映体选择性,使这些色谱柱成为手性方法筛选的理想选择。




HPLC 和 LC 色谱柱选择工具

一系列工具帮助您找到适合您应用的理想 HPLC 色谱柱。

制备型 HPLC 放大计算器


HPLC 生物色谱柱 eSelector 工具


InfinityLab 液相色谱系列仪器的必备备件指南

为您的仪器找到合适的备件,以实现出色性能并优化您的 LC 工作流程。


More Chemistries, More Choices For Solving our Toughest Separation Challenges

The InfinityLab Poroshell 120 family has grown to include 3 particle sizes and 19 chemistries, so you can efficiently separate the widest variety of compounds.

Scale up to the Fast Lane with InfinityLab Poroshell 120 Prep Columns

Is your purification lab sacrificing speed to find confident answers to research questions?

A Proven and Reliable Portfolio of Totally Porous HPLC Columns

The Agilent ZORBAX family offers all advantages of totally porous particle columns such as increased retention, loadability and resistance to sample solvents.


Dr. Stefan Bieber

Managing Director, AFIN-TS GmbH

我们的 SFC 方法开发策略始终包括安捷伦科技公司的固定相。我们十分欣赏 ZORBAX Rx-SIL 和 Poroshell 120 HILIC 等极性 ZORBAX 和 Poroshell 固定相所提供的稳定性。它们具有良好的选择性和高分离性能,这对于 SFC 的高效方法开发至关重要。广泛的色谱柱尺寸选项非常有利于优化分离,我们可以通过调整色谱柱尺寸实现高效分离。


Sébastien Leclerc

Analytical Chemist, SANEXEN Environmental Services, Inc.



Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Analysis For Environmental Samples

Agilent offers complete end-to-end workflows for extraction, quantification even at Ultra-trace levels, and reporting of PFAS in the environment. This includes a range of sample preparation products, HPLC columns, chemical standards, PFC-free sample containment and other HPLC supplies, Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) coupled to triple quadrupole mass spectrometry, e-methods, as well as gas chromatography products for sampling and analyzing a challenging range of trace-level volatile and semivolatile vapors of PFAS in air.

Develop Fast Purification Methods for Natural Products

A fast and simple purification method for withaferin A in ashwagandha extract was successfully developed using an Agilent InfinityLab Poroshell 120 SB-C18 preparative HPLC column. The InfinityLab Poroshell 120 column provided better resolution and a 45% decrease in run time over a traditional preparative column. The performance benefits of InfinityLab Poroshell preparative columns, especially at high flow rates, align well with the needs of pharmaceutical discovery laboratories and other high-throughput environments.

根据 US EPA 方法 1633 进行靶向 PFAS 分析的完整工作流程

安捷伦推出了一项备受期待的完整工作流程解决方案,用于根据美国 (US) 国家环境保护局 (EPA) 方法 1633(第三稿)对全氟和多氟烷基化合物 (PFAS) 进行靶向分析。EPA 方法草案 1633 目前可分析废水和土壤中的 40 种 PFAS 化合物,是一种复杂且耗费人力的方法,涉及多个样品前处理和分析步骤。成功运行该技术取决于仔细的样品处理和合适的样品前处理消耗品及仪器。

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