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UV-Vis 与 UV-Vis-NIR 光谱

利用 Cary UV-Vis 和 UV-Vis-NIR 分光光度计进行高级分子分析

Cary UV-Vis-NIR 分光光度计依旧以 Howard Cary 提出的光学设计原理为基础,该光学设计原理在 1947 年面世的世界上第一台商品化紫外-可见分光光度计 Cary 11 中得到了应用。75 年多以来,Cary 的设计理念始终如一 — Cary 分光光度计旨在为那些必须突破性能局限,同时又需要拥有一款适用于多种不同应用的仪器的用户提供支持。

Cary 紫外-可见 (UV-Vis) 分光光度计具有出色的灵活性,使用寿命长,非常适用于常规和研究测量,其配备的软件可确保数据得到管理和保护,并在需要时确保满足数据可靠性标准。Cary 紫外-可见-近红外 (UV-Vis-NIR) 分光光度计可为一系列应用中的液体和固体样品提供优异的光度测量。我们准确、直观的 UV-Vis 和 UV-Vis-NIR 仪器可为每一次测量提供出色的分辨率和线性。

全面的附件和备件产品组合提供了广泛的测量灵活性。快速轻松地设置仪器,以用于液体或固体样品的常规紫外-可见光谱分析,准确的温度测量,复杂的固体样品透射率测量和反射率测量,以及许多其他 UV-Vis-NIR 和 UV-Vis 光谱应用。










UV-Vis 和 UV-Vis-NIR 仪器选择指南

了解哪款安捷伦紫外-可见分光光度计或 UV-Vis-NIR 分光光度计更能满足您的需求。



UV-Vis-NIR Solid Sample Measurement Accessories Guide

Learn about key solid sample accessories for Cary 4000, 5000, 6000i, and 7000 spectrophotometers.


Near Infrared Photometric Accuracy of Agilent Cary 7000 UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer

Evaluating infrared photometric accuracy of the Agilent Cary UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometers

Amplify Confidence in Your Data Integrity

How to get the functionality you need for compliance with 21 CFR Part 11 or EU Annex 11 when using the Agilent Cary 3500 UV-Vis instrument.

Concentration Analysis of Ultra-microvolume Samples of Protein and Nucleic Acids by UV-Vis Spectroscopy

In this application note, concentration analysis of ultra-microvolume samples of protein and nucleic acid is discussed. The Agilent Cary 60 UV-Vis fitted with the TrayCell 2.0 Ultra-Microvolume Cell was used for the study.

UV-Vis-NIR Spectroscopy for Nanomaterials Research

This ebook from Wiley publishing is packed full of information about using UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy to characterize nanomaterials.


Desiree B. Gunning

Roy J. Carver Dept. Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Biology , Iowa State University

The biochemistry teaching laboratories at Iowa State University have relied on the outstanding performance and reliability of the Cary 60 scanning spectrophotometers. Since 2000, our twelve Cary spectrophotometers have continued to be the workhorse in our teaching laboratories. A major concern for a teaching laboratory is the reliability of instrumentation, and the continued support and service provided long after purchase. After many years of heavy use in a teaching setting, all our Cary 60 instruments have proven to be of very high-quality with outstanding durability. We design our biochemistry curriculum to prepare students for research-based career paths that demand technologically curre


“我之所以推荐 Cary 7000 UMS,是因为它无需校准、无需用户干预、无额外基线、全自动化运行,并能够简化材料表征的工作流程。”


Dr. Mohammad Al Kobaisi

化学与生物技术学院, 斯威本科技大学

安捷伦的Cary 3500具有可控搅拌功能和多种温度控制选项,使我可以使用紫外-可见光谱技术原位监测反应过程。信号的高稳定性也允许长期的反应动力学监测,使一系列过去由于信号漂移而无法实现的实验成为可能。直观的软件和数据管理可防止结果丢失并确保项目的良好组织和归档。 Cary 3500与我之前使用的任何其他紫外可见光谱仪相比都无疑是令人兴奋的进步,扩展了进行研究实验时控制更多参数的灵活性。


Benjamin Tadgell

教授, 墨尔本大学化学学院ARC激子科学卓越中心

我们对快速扫描,用户友好的模块化设计和Agilent Cary 3500 UV-Vis的高通量印象深刻。特别是高升温速率和高灵敏度使我们的工作更容易。 我们的项目使用UV-Vis研究温度如何影响PNIPAM聚合物中涂覆的金纳米粒子的散射特性。随着温度在30-40℃范围内升高,聚合物发生坍塌,颗粒开始聚集;我们有兴趣了解这些过程的动态。我们采用不同温度下的波长扫描,以及热梯度扫描来部分表征这些过程。我们还在一系列不同pH值,盐浓度和金颗粒浓度下进行这些测量。 使用Agilent Cary 3500 UV-Vis,好用的梯度升温功能使我们能够快速扫描温度对给定波长下粒子散射的影响。之前我们除了从波长光谱中手动获取不同温度下的数据点之外,没有别的方法可以做到这一点。该仪器的温度灵敏度也比我们曾经使用过的任何其他UV-Vis仪器好得多。 所有8个池架的快速加热/冷却能力和快速平衡意味着我们可以进行比以往更多的实验(不同浓度,pH等)。 我们也对高吸收样品的准确结果感到满意,这样可以避免稀释并减少错误。 我们向任何进行温度依赖性紫外-可见光谱分析的实验室、工业研发和学术实验室,以及需要高通量的分析实验室推荐Agilent Cary 3500 UV-Vis - 它绝对可以为您节省时间,省去麻烦,并允许在不同条件下进行更多实验。


Agilent Releases Cary UV Workstation 1.5—A Powerful and Flexible Analytical Platform for UV-Vis

The latest Cary UV Workstation software revision comes with new features and enhancements, including compatibility with the new OpenLab 2.8—helping organizations deploy Cary 3500 UV-Vis instruments in distributed environments. Also included are potassium dichromate tests for absorbance and linearity validation. This software version supports Windows 11 21H2, and ECM 3.6.5. The Cary 3500 UV-Vis spectrophotometer series with the Cary UV Workstation software will help meet the requirements of the United States Pharmacopeia USP <857>, European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur. Chapter 2.2.25), and the Japanese Pharmacopeia (JP XVIII) for regulatory peace of mind.

White Paper Details Role of Agilent UV-Vis/NIR Spectrophotometers in Advancing Rechargeable Battery Research

Rechargeable batteries are at the forefront of global discussions as an alternative to typical combustion engines. This white paper provides examples of how Agilent UV-Vis/NIR spectrophotometers are being used—by leading research groups—in the characterization of rechargeable battery materials and components.

旧款 Cary 100、300、8453 或 8454 紫外-可见分光光度计可享 Cary 3500 紫外-可见分光光度计促销优惠

获取四项促销优惠,包括购买新款 Cary 3500 紫外-可见分光光度计最高可享五折优惠。Cary 3500 每秒可收集多达 250 个数据点,其氙灯享有 10 年质保且无需预热,确保您的研究不仅高效而且环保。Cary 3500 还获得了 My Green Lab 的 ACT 可持续发展标签。


Maximizing the Up-Time in Your Lab While Reducing Costs of Ownership with the Innovative Cary 3500 Flexible UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

UV-Vis spectroscopy is a mature technology used to analyze, characterize, and quantify pharmaceutical and biological samples such as active pharmaceutical ingredients, DNA/RNA, and proteins for many decades.

When Optics Matter - Reduce impairments and gain deeper insights with advanced spectrophotometric tools and techniques

This webinar will guide you on the best practices, tools, and techniques needed to get the most reliable, verifiable insights into your optical components.

Advances in FTIR and UV-Vis: No Need for Cells in Liquid Sample Analysis

This webcast will highlight the benefit of advanced sampling technologies in achieving fast, easy, and reliable measurements of liquid samples in comparison with the traditional liquid cells used for FTIR and UV-Vis measurements.


分子光谱网络研讨会课程包括紫外-可见、荧光、FTIR 台式光谱仪和显微镜,以及手持式和便携式 FTIR 解决方案,提供高性能和灵活性选择

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