공정상 화학물질 분석
반도체 공정 중 화학적 순도 보장
반도체 제조 공정에는 제품 세척을 위한 초고순도의 화학물질이 필요하며, 이러한 화학물질이 오염 방지를 위해 극미량 금속을 전혀 포함하고 있지 않아야 합니다. 뛰어난 감도를 가진 분석 기기가
효과적으로 오염물을 검출해낼 수 있어야 하며, 매트릭스 농도가 높은 환경에서도 효과적으로 가동할 수 있어야 합니다.
애질런트는 업계 선도적인 정밀성과 자동화 솔루션으로 한층 향상된 효율성을 자랑하는 ICP-MS ORS 및 ICP-MS/MS 기술을 통해 스펙트럼 간섭을 감소하고 공정 중의 화학물질을 직접 측정할 수
있도록 합니다. 애질런트의 견고하고 믿을 수 있는 분석법은 가장 까다로운 샘플링 조건에서도 해당 물질의 정확하고 감도 높은 분석을 보장합니다.
Direct analysis of trace metallic impurities in high purity hydrochloric acid by Agilent 7700s/7900 ICP-MS
- 날짜 : 09 Oct 2017
- 파일 크기 : 446.89 KB
Direct measurement of metallic impurities in 20% ammonium hydroxide by Agilent 7700s/7900 ICP-MS
- 날짜 : 09 Oct 2017
- 파일 크기 : 532.70 KB
Trace elemental analysis of trichlorosilane by Agilent 7700s/7900 ICP-MS
- 날짜 : 20 Sep 2021
- 파일 크기 : 427.44 KB
- 응용 자료
Measuring Inorganic Impurities in Semiconductor Manufacturing
A guide to the applications of ICP-MS in the semiconductor industry, including the control of metal contaminants.
- 응용 자료
- English
- 01 Jun 2022
- 6.68 MB
Analysis of Nanoparticles in Organic Reagents by Agilent 8900 ICP-QQQ in spICP-MS Mode
Determination of 25 and 30 nm Fe3O4 NPs in low-particle concentration solutions
- 응용 자료
- English
- 28 Aug 2019
- 529.85 KB
Multielement Nanoparticle Analysis of Semiconductor Process Chemicals Using spICP-QQQ
Characterization of Ag, Fe3O4, Al2O3, Au, and SiO2 NPs in TMAH in a single analytical run
- 응용 자료
- English
- 24 May 2019
- 742.03 KB
Analysis of Ultratrace Impurities in High Purity Copper using the Agilent 8900 ICP-QQQ
Low-ppt determination of alkali metals in high matrix samples using the optional "m-lens"
- 응용 자료
- English
- 15 Nov 2018
- 934.66 KB
Automated Analysis of Semiconductor Grade Hydrogen Peroxide and DI Water using ICP-QQQ
Online MSA calibration using prepFAST S automated sample introduction and Agilent 8900 ICP-QQQ
- 응용 자료
- English
- 06 Jun 2018
- 547.91 KB
Direct Analysis of Trace Metal Impurities in High Purity Nitric Acid Using ICP-QQQ
Direct analysis of sub-ppt to ppt levels of 49 elements in undiluted HNO3 by triple quadrupole ICP-MS (ICP-QQQ).
- 응용 자료
- English
- 18 Jan 2018
- 691.40 KB
Analysis of Trace Metal Impurities in High Purity Hydrochloric Acid Using ICP-QQQ
50 elements in HCl were analysed using MS/MS mode to resolve the polyatomic interferences. All analytes could be determined directly in the undiluted HCl with single digit ppt detection limits.
- 응용 자료
- English
- 09 Nov 2017
- 1.03 MB
Direct measurement of metallic impurities in 20% ammonium hydroxide by Agilent 7700s/7900 ICP-MS
Detection limits in the single digit ppt or sub-ppt range were obtained for 48 elements, demonstrating the ability of the 7700s/7900 to routinely measure trace contaminants.
- 응용 자료
- English
- 09 Oct 2017
- 532.70 KB
Direct analysis of trace metallic impurities in high purity hydrochloric acid by Agilent 7700s/7900 ICP-MS
Illustrates the advanced analytical performance and robustness of the Agilent 7700s/7900 ICP-MS for the direct determination of metallic impurities in high purity concentrated HCl.
- 응용 자료
- English
- 09 Oct 2017
- 446.89 KB
Determination of ultra trace elements in high purity hydrogen peroxide with Agilent 8900 ICP-QQQ
Determination of ultra trace levels of elemental impurities in semiconductor grade H2O2.
- 응용 자료
- English
- 06 Dec 2016
- 456.69 KB
- 선택 가이드
- 기술 개요