제품 정보
- 핵심연구지원시설에서 제공했을 수도 있는 발행물을 쉽게 찾아 관리자의 시간 절약
- 연구자에게 발행물 출처를 확인하는 프로세스를 직접 배포하여 데이터 품질 향상 및 관리자 시간 절약
- Excel 스프레드시트를 주고받는 대신에 간단한 확인 인터페이스를 통해 연구자의 시간 절약
- 여러 보고서의 다양한 요구 사항을 충족하기 위해 맞춤형으로 풍부하고 상세한 데이터 내보내기 기능을 통해 시설에 대한 인사이트 제고
CrossLab를 선택하는 이유
- iLab Advantages
Stability, Experience, Search & Flexibility of Software, Service and Support are few reasons to choose CrossLab iLab Operations Software
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
The iLab system is offered under the “Software-as-a-Service” (SaaS) model. Unlike traditional software, customers do not need to set up, maintain, or support the system locally. Instead, iLab creates accounts for customers on a server that is hosted and maintained by iLab.
- iLab Ongoing Support
Prompt, thorough and accessible support is a central element of the iLab service. Our dedicated Support Team strives to ensure all users have answers to their questions or challenges in an expedient and helpful manner. Unlimited support and assistance is available to all users, including facility personnel, administrators and end customers.
- iLab Implementation
iLab follows a standardized implementation process designed to ensure a smooth transition and to fulfill each core research facilities’ unique requirements.
- iLab Integrations
Integration of the software with institutional financial systems, identity management systems, or specialized software systems is implemented by a dedicated implementation team.
- Institutional Deployment
Deploying a robust and flexible core facility management system offers institutions significant benefits, saving time and money for core personnel, institutional administrators, and researchers. In addition, the establishment of a shared platform ensures the institution enjoys the full benefit of its significant investment in core operations.
- Flexibly Meet the Needs of Shared Resource Labs
The requirements of core facilities vary based on the type, size, and customer base of each facility. Our software flexibility and customized integration process allows us to adapt to the needs of many different types of shared resource facilities while meeting the needs of institution-wide deployments.
- iLab Pricing Model
iLab Operations Software products are offered on an annual subscription basis. This subscription includes all elements required to effectively run the solution, including access to the software, upgrades, maintenance, hardware, hosting, data backup, and unlimited end user support.A Software-as-a-Service model leads to a lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) than a traditional software model where the institution is responsible for user support, maintenance, upgrades, and hardware. The iLab subscription is priced on a per-facility basis, allowing affordable access for institutions both large and small. The specific price per facility depends on a number of factors, most notably size and complexity. Please contact ilab-info@agilent.com to request a specific price quote for your institution.
교육 및 이벤트
iLab Advanced Scheduling Tools
This session provides informative new perspectives on how to most effectively use iLab's advanced scheduling features.
E 세미나/교육
iLab Core Facility User Training
Learn how to quickly teach your core's users everything they need to know, so they too can easily and efficiently utilize your facility's offerings.
E 세미나/교육
Basics on how to use iLab
This session provides informative new perspectives on how to most effectively use iLab for efficient core management.
E 세미나/교육
iLab Updates - Click to view news and information about the iLab Operations Software
view news and information about the iLab Operations Platform
- 04 Feb 2019
핵심연구지원시설 관리
CrossLab iLab 핵심연구지원시설 관리는 기본 소프트웨어 제품군과 애드온 모듈 및 통합 모듈로 구성된 웹 기반 엔터프라이즈 소프트웨어 솔루션입니다. 이 소프트웨어는 서비스 요청, 고객 및 프로젝트 관리, 결제 및 청구서 발행 등 다양한 기능을 원활하게 지원해줍니다.|iLab 핵심연구지원시설 관리 소프트웨어를 사용하면 핵심 직원, 기관 관리자 및 연구원의 시간과 비용을 절약할 수 있습니다. iLab 운영 소프트웨어는 다양한 유형의 공유 리소스 시설의 요구를 충족시키도록 설계되어 개별 핵심연구지원시설에 혜택을 제공하고 기관이 핵심 운영에 대한 투자 효과를 극대화할 수 있습니다.
실험실 서비스