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CP-Wax 52 CB

CP-Wax 52 CB

CP-Wax 52 CB

CP-Wax 52 CB GC columns have lower minimum temperature and a higher maximum temperature than non-bonded polyethylene glycol (PEG) columns due to extensive cross linking, delivering higher resolution of low-boiling-point analytes. With guaranteed reproducibility and excellent temperature stability, CP-Wax 52 CB is ideal for EPA and ASTM methods.

The improved line of Agilent J&W CP-Wax 52 CB GC columns utilizes the same innovative inert processes employed in the manufacture of Agilent J&W DB-WAX Ultra Inert columns. These columns have an extended inertness lifetime that withstands repeated temperature cycling to the upper temperature limits of the column, while critical performance parameters such as selectivity, theoretical plates and retention indices remain unchanged.

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