DNA ScreenTape Analysis
The D1000 and the D5000 DNA ScreenTape assays are ideally suited for the automated electrophoresis of DNA samples such as smears and fragments. Together with the TapeStation instruments, the DNA ScreenTape analysis offers a fast, automated, and simple solution for the reliable sample quality control (QC) of libraries in the next-generation sequencing (NGS) workflow as well as PCR and qPCR products.
The ScreenTape assays are compatible with all TapeStation instruments.
Note: Some products within these assays contain SYBR™ Green I, which is licensed from Life Technologies Corporation for use in research and development only. SYBR™ is a registered trademark of Life Technologies Corporation.
The ScreenTape assays are compatible with all TapeStation instruments.
Note: Some products within these assays contain SYBR™ Green I, which is licensed from Life Technologies Corporation for use in research and development only. SYBR™ is a registered trademark of Life Technologies Corporation.
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