Cell-free DNA ScreenTape Analysis
Cell-free DNA ScreenTape analysis provides fast, automated, and reliable electrophoresis of input cell-free DNA (cfDNA) samples. The Cell-free DNA ScreenTape assay for TapeStation systems provides accurate sizing and quantification of cfDNA, as well as DNA quality assessment with the objective %cfDNA quality metric. The %cfDNA score automatically provides the percentage of cfDNA in the sample of interest compared to genomic DNA contamination - essential for cell-free DNA integrity analysis in Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) library quality control (QC) and for generating reliable NGS results.
The assay is compatible with the Agilent 4150 and 4200 TapeStation instruments for automated electrophoresis.
The assay is compatible with the Agilent 4150 and 4200 TapeStation instruments for automated electrophoresis.
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