Operating Supplies Kits for ICP-MS
Basic consumables kit for 7700, 7800, 7850, 7900, 8800 and 8900 ICP-MS fitted with x-lens and vacuum pump using AVF Platinum pump oil. Contents: Easy-fit peristaltic pump tubes for sample (2-stop, white/white, 12/pk, 5005-0020), waste (3-stop, yellow/blue, 12/pk, 5005-0022), internal standard (2-stop, blue/orange, 12/pk, 5005-0021). PFA sample tubing, 0.5 mm id, 1.6 mm od, 5 m (G1820-65105), graphite gaskets for sampling cone, 3/pk (G3280-67009), AVF Platinum pump oil, 1 L (X3760-64004), and torch, quartz, 2.5 mm id (G3280-80053).
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