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Assay Running Volume
  • 800-1000 µL/well
Assay Wells
  • 24
Biological Sample Type
  • Adherent
  • Isolated Mitochondria
  • Monolayer
  • Suspension
Bundle Contents
  • 1 500ml bottle of calibrant
  • 20 XF24 cell culture microplates
  • 18 XF24 sensor cartridges
Cell Dimension
  • 2D
For Use With
  • Seahorse XF24 Analyzer
Injection Ports per Well
  • 4 per well
Microchamber Height
  • 200
Microchamber Volume
  • 5.65 µL
Plate Surface Treatment
  • Irradiated
Sample Requirements
  • 8000-500000 cells/well
Shipping Condition
  • Ambient Temperature
Volume per Port Injection
  • 75 µL
Well Volume
  • 1000 µL
Safety Data Sheets

Seahorse XF Calibrant Solution

Material Safety Data Sheet