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This Product is a standard for customers to use on a regular basis to lock their methods for GC/MS and use the obtained data to search the Fiehn GC/MS Metabolomics RTL Library. Agilent’s RTL software was developed based on the RT of series of various chain length fatty acid methyl esters and myristic d-27 acid (d27) as the essential locking compound. The FAME/d27 mixture is used to lock the retention time for a given GC/MS method. The pyridine and MSTFA/1% TMCS are provided in the kit as derivatization agents. The stand-alone d27 component in this kit can be used as an Internal spike-in standard. The amount provided should be sufficient for at least 100 sample preparations per ampule. The Fiehn GC/MS Metabolomics RTL Library, developed in cooperation with Dr. Oliver Fiehn, contains searchable EI spectra and retention indexes for hundreds of common metabolites. The Fiehn library integrates with Agilent's other software tools for GC/MS metabolomics to deliver metabolite identities faster. Publication part number for the library user guide is G1676AA. For more information on metabolomics and to view the Fiehn’s library, visit:

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$283.00 /1

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  • 41116107